America Has Spoken: Implications for Australia and the World

AmCham delves into the implications of the US Election outcome and what it means for business, Australia and the world.

Business Breakfast

America Has Spoken: Implications for Australia and the World

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About the Event

What are the implications of the result of the US election?  What do the results of the Presidential, Senate and House elections mean for the USA? The Global Economy? And Australia?

Join United States Studies Centre CEO Michael Green in conversation with AmCham CEO April Palmerlee as they look forward following this extraordinary election.



Dr Michael Green | CEO | United States Studies Centre Australia

Dr Michael Jonathan Green is professor and chief executive officer at the United States Studies Centre.
Previously Dr Green was Senior Vice President for Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and is on leave from Georgetown University where he was Director of Asian Studies and Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. He served on the staff of the National Security Council (NSC) at the White House from 2001 through 2005, first as Director for Asian Affairs and then as Special Assistant to the President for National Security affairs and Senior Director for Asia. Before joining the NSC staff, he held positions at the Council on Foreign Relations, the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University, the Institute for Defense Analyses, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He also worked in Japan on the staff of a member of the National Diet.

Dr Green is currently also Senior Advisor (non-resident) and Henry A. Kissinger Chair at CSIS and Distinguished Guest Scholar at the Asia Pacific Initiative in Tokyo. He serves on the boards of The Asia Foundation and Radio Free Asia, the advisory board of the Center for a New American Security and the Advisory Council of the Bush Institute, and as Senior Adviser to The Asia Group. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Strategy Group.

Dr Green has authored numerous books and articles on Indo-Pacific security, including most recently Line of Advantage: Japan’s Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzo (Columbia University Press, 2022), recommended by Foreign Affairs as one of the top three books on Asia for that year, and By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783 (Columbia University Press, 2017), which won the Council on Foreign Relations Arthur Ross Silver Medal for best book in international affairs. He received his master’s and doctoral degrees from SAIS and did additional graduate and postgraduate research at Tokyo University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his bachelor’s degree in history from Kenyon College with highest honours. He holds a black belt in Iaido (sword) and has won international prizes on the great highland bagpipe.


April Palmerlee | CEO | American Chamber of Commerce in Australia

April Palmerlee has been CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia since 2017. In 2024, she was elected Chairman of AmChams of the Asia Pacific. American-born, she has lived in Sydney for over 20 years and is a dual citizen. She is a member of Chief Executive Women and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She received a BS from Georgetown and a Master’s from Columbia. 

In Australia, she has worked for the US Studies Centre at USyd, the Lowy Institute, the Centre for Independent Studies, and Potomac Partners. In the United States, she held the rank of Assistant Secretary of State. Before that, she was a senior executive at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. She has also worked for couturier Oscar de la Renta, financial publisher The Bank Credit Analyst, and not-for-profit The Spanish Institute.
She sits on the boards of CIS, The United Way Australia and Georgetown University Australian and New Zealand Studies Center. April also chairs several scholarship selection committees at the Fulbright Commission and teaches MBA students at the University of Sydney Business School.

Event Details


26/11/2024 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
The Langham, Melbourne Alto Room 1 Southgate Avenue SOUTHBANK, VIC 3006 AUSTRALIA


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
26/11/2024 8:30 AM
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
26/11/2024 8:30 AM

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