NEW DATE Biotech Advancement and Acceleration - The WA Way

NEW DATE Biotech Advancement and Acceleration - The WA Way
This event is your opportunity to meet industry leaders, entertain investors and colleagues, and to gain greater awareness of the Health and Medical Life Sciences industry in Western Australia and the opportunities it presents for job creation and economic development. pastevent

Business Lunch

Biotech Advancement and Acceleration - The WA Way

Business Luncheon with The Hon Stephen Dawson MLC, Minister for Medical Research, Innovation and ICT and The Hon Ben Wyatt, Board Member, Telethon Kids Institute

Please sign in or create an account to register for this event before 5:00 PM on Friday 11 November. If online registrations are closed, please email [email protected] with your Full Name, Job Title, Company Name, State and Email Address to confirm availability.

About the Event
Due to the Public Holiday announced for 22 September, this event has been rescheduled for 15 November. Please contact [email protected] for clarification.
The medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector contributed $5.5 billion to the Australian economy in 2021 and supported 73,000 jobs across the country. 

The Hon Ben Wyatt, Board Member of Telethon Kids Institute and Former Treasurer of Western Australia will give a Keynote Presentation, offering sector-wide observations, highlighting the economic potential of the industry in Western Australia; plus discussing the perspective on Telethon Kids Institute on commercialisation.

The Hon Stephen Dawson MLC, Minister for Medical Research; Innovation and ICT will also join as a Keynote Speaker focusing on the strength of Western Australia's health and medical life sciences, and possibilities to build international networks for investment attraction and commercialisation. 
Minister Dawson recently returned from the Biotechnology Innovation Organisation (BIO) International Convention in San Diego, where he 
led a Western Australian delegation. BIO2022 is the largest and most influential global event for the world’s health and medical life sciences industry.

AmCham's Biotech Business Luncheon will also feature a panel discussion with delegates from the Western Australian contingent at BIO2022 – Dr Liz Dallimore (Argenica Therapeutics) and Jayden Rogers (Linear Clinical) - who will share their experiences of the conference and highlight how the State’s strategies and initiatives are benefiting their organisations and the industry.

Dr Tracey Wilkinson, from the WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub, will moderate.
This is your opportunity to meet industry leaders, entertain investors, incentivise your team, and gain greater awareness of the Health and Medical Life Sciences industry in Western Australia and the opportunities it presents for job creation and economic development. 
Don’t miss your chance to reconvene for the most pressing industry updates following the AusBiotech 2022 conference in October, Australia’s biggest week in biotech. 

Hon Stephen Dawson MLC 
Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Medical Research; Volunteering
Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council

Hon Ben Wyatt
Board Member, Telethon Kids Institute
Former Western Australian Treasurer, Minister for Finance; Aboriginal Affairs; Lands

Dr Liz Dallimore
Chief Executive Officer, Argenica Therapeutics

Jayden Rogers 
Chief Executive Officer, Linear Clinical Research

Dr Tracey Wilkinson (moderator)

Director Stakeholder Engagement Western Australia,
WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub

Series Partners


Partnership opportunities available - please contact Natalie Meyer to enquire nataliemeyer

 National Event Partner

 Event Partner
Event Details

Date Tuesday 15 November 2022
Time 11:45AM - 2:00PM
Location Duxton Hotel
1 St Georges Terrace


  Member   Non - Member
Individual (1) $169  $219
Table (10) $1,690  $2,190

Speaker Biographies

Hon Ben Wyatt
Board Member, Telethon Kids Institute; Former Western Australian Treasurer; Minister for Finance; Aboriginal Affairs; Lands
Ben Wyatt is the former Western Australian Treasurer and has had ministerial responsibility for Finance, Energy, Aboriginal Affairs and Lands. He was the first Indigenous treasurer of any Australian parliament and he has held various shadow cabinet portfolios including responsibility for Native Title, the Pilbara and Culture and the Arts. He retired from the Western Australian Parliament in March 2021. He holds a Masters degree with Distinction from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Western Australia. Prior to entering Parliament, Mr Wyatt practised as a lawyer in both private practice and with the Western Australian Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Mr Wyatt was recently appointed to the Boards of the West Coast Eagles, Perth Festival, Woodside, Rio Tinto and APM Human Services International.
Hon Stephen Dawson MLC
Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Medical Research; Volunteering; Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council
Minister Dawson was elected to represent the Mining & Pastoral Region at the 2013 state election. He served as Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Kimberley, Pilbara, Gascoyne and Goldfields-Esperance regions before being promoted to the position of Shadow Minister for Mental Health; Disability Services and Child Protection in September 2013. Minister Dawson has been a Chief of Staff to a number of Government Ministers in Western Australia and Victoria, and immediately prior to his election to Parliament he worked as the WA State Manager for Essential Media Communications. During the McGowan Government’s first term in 2017 Minister Dawson served as the Minister for Environment; Disability Services; Electoral Affairs. Following the March 2021 state election, he was appointed as the Minister for Mental Health; Aboriginal Affairs; Industrial Relations. In December 2021, a Cabinet reshuffle saw Minister Dawson appointed as Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Medical Research; Volunteering. Minister Dawson is the Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council.

Dr Liz Dallimore 
Chief Executive Officer, Argenica Therapeutics

Dr Liz Dallimore is a research & development, innovation, and commercialisation specialist with over 20 years' experience across Australia and the UK. Prior to joining Argenica Therapeutics as CEO, Dr Dallimore was the Director of the WA Data Science Innovation Hub, tasked with working across WA businesses to establish innovative data science projects. Dr Dallimore has also held senior roles in management consulting across Australia, most recently as KPMG's National Director of Research Engagement and Commercialisation. Prior to this she held senior roles with Ernst & Young and Price Waterhouse Coopers.
Dr. Dallimore is a co-founder of medical device company Inspiring Holdings, sits on the AusBiotech WA Committee, and is a non-executive Director of NERA, a Federal Government Growth Centre. Dr Dallimore has a PhD in Neuroscience jointly completed at Oxford University and the University of Western Australia and has worked as a neuroscientist at the Australian Neuromuscular Research Institute (now Perron Institute). In 2020, Dr Dallimore was recognised as one of Western Australia's Top Women in Tech. 

Jayden Rogers
Chief Executive Officer, Linear Clinical Research
Mr Jayden Rogers is a life sciences professional with a diverse range of entrepreneurial experiences spanning biotechnology, healthcare, and start-ups. Mr Rogers first joined Linear Clinical Research as Global Business Developing Manager before he became Chief Operating Office and then Chief Executive Officer of the organisation. Prior to joining Linear, Mr Rogers was the commercial manager of OBJ, and Australian-listed biotechnology company that successfully licensed its transdermal drug delivery platform with Proctor & Gamble.
Mr Rogers has experience as a start-up founder of Halo Medical Devices, an award-winning medical device start-up which commercialised and licensed an innovative joint range of motion assessment devices. He has operated a range of private healthcare practices in Australia and the UK and has driven change and innovation in a variety of roles across private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

Dr Tracey Wilkinson
Director Stakeholder Engagement Western Australia, MTPConnect WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub
At the MTPConnect WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub, Dr Wilkinson works to accelerate growth of the medtech, biotech, pharma, and digital health sector in WA. She is also the vice-chair of the Life Sciences WA Executive Committee.
Dr Wilkinson most recently worked at the Telethon Kids Institute where she was the Commercialisation and Partnerships Manager, responsible for identifying, assessing, developing, and commercialising opportunities with a focus on sponsored research activities and the building of large-scale engagement and strategic initiatives. During her time there she also co-founded and led the WA Digital Health Accelerator pilot program.
Dr Wilkinson has a background in molecular genetics, gaining a PhD in Bioinformatics from the University of Melbourne, based at the Howard Florey & Walter and Eliza Hall Institutes. Prior to her PhD, she was also the co-founder of an online bioinformatics analysis service. She gained business development experience with Melbourne Ventures at the University of Melbourne, where she worked to commercialise early-stage technologies and IP developed at the University.


Invitation Transferable

Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone within your organisation or networks who you think might be interested in this event.

COVID PRECAUTIONS: The safety and wellbeing of our guests and colleagues is our utmost priority. AmCham will work with the venue to ensure hygiene procedures and government guidelines are followed. We respectfully ask you do not attend on the day if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms.

UPDATE to Terms & Conditions
If Government Health Orders change and in-person events are suspended, the AmCham program will go virtual and links will be sent to all attendees. A 50% refund will be paid to ticket holders. (Please see Terms and Conditions for specific details).

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AmCham Australia is committed to data privacy and protecting your personal information. By registering for this event, you agree that AmCham and its event partners may send you relevant information.  (Please refer to our Privacy Policy for full details).
15/11/2022 11:45 AM - 2:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
The Duxton Hotel 1 St Georges Terrace PERTH, WA 6000 AUSTRALIA


Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Business Lunch
11:45 AM - 2:00 PM
15/11/2022 11:45 AM

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