Upcoming SA Events

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Defence Briefing - Innovation for an Integrated ForceBusiness BreakfastADELAIDE, SANational Wine Centre Fri23AugMore Information
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Tech Harvest – Ingenuity in Agri-BusinessBusiness Series LunchADELAIDE, SAAdelaide Convention Centre Thu29AugMore Information
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TRUMP vs HARRIS – An American ShowdownBusiness Series LunchADELAIDE, SAThe Playford Hotel Thu31OctMore Information
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Never Waste a Good Crisis - Surviving the ChaosBusiness Series LunchADELAIDE, SASkyCity Adelaide Wed4DecMore Information
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Please navigate to the Online tab to view AmCham Australia’s extensive online events program.

All online meetings are available for free, unlimited access by all employees of AmCham member companies. Many events are also accessible to the wider community. Unsure if your company is a member, or want to join? Email [email protected].