Special Edition: 1,000 Days of AUKUS undefined

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JUNE 2024

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"Guided by our enduring ideals and shared commitment to the international rules-based order..."

The leaders of Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom stood together 1,000 days ago on 15 September 2021 to announce a landmark trilateral security partnership: AUKUS. 100 days is known as the benchmark for a measure of early success in a US President's four-year term. For the multigenerational effort that is AUKUS, the 1,000-day mark is more appropriate.

The historic announcement was immediately praised -- and criticised. Depending where one sat, this was either the most important step forward in regional security in a generation, or a threatening undertaking, distracting us from diplomatic and economic efforts. The first 1,000 days of AUKUS have seen moments of triumph as well as challenge. For the United States to agree to share its crown jewels, the secret behind the area where the US has unquestionable military superiority, was both an enormous compliment and a looming burden for Australia. First Prime Minister Morrison and then Prime Minister Albanese recognised the great responsibility Australia would have to undertake to be able to secure and utilise the information, technology, and training the United States was willing to share.

Smoothing over the fracas with the French, carefully navigating nonproliferation agreements, and reassuring an uncertain Indo-Pacific region were among the first hurdles AUKUS leaders had to overcome. Together and separately, Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom embarked on a global diplomatic campaign to quell the surge in uncertainty and misinformation, and explain to their citizens and the world why Australia, the anchor of democracy in the Pacific, required the most advanced, lethal maritime capability as soon as possible. Discussion centred on Australia’s ability to use this technology to deter aggression and maintain a free, open, secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific in an increasingly deteriorating geostrategic environment.

Then came convincing Congress: A most formidable challenge. Recently better known for delays and disagreements than for expediting overhauls to complex legislation, the House and the Senate showed bipartisanship, courage, and commitment in the case of AUKUS. The legislation passed the congress through the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA). In further positive steps towards realising AUKUS, the US State Department has released proposed ITAR changes for public and industry input. The first Australian submariners have graduated from the US Navy’s Submarine Officer Basic Course, the last step in the US Navy’s nuclear submarine training pipeline before being assigned to Virginia-class submarines. AmCham Member BAE Systems and the ASC have have been selected to build Australia’s SSN‑AUKUS submarines through a joint venture.

AmCham members surveyed on the progress made over the past 1,000 days of AUKUS noted the passage of relevant legislation in all three countries as a reason to be optimistic:

  • "The barriers are falling," noted one respondent, "not least regulatory and cultural. Greater alignment between our systems and industrial bases."
  • Others noted the immense importance, or as one respondent put it, "the strategic imperative behind the AUKUS concept," as a cause for optimism.
  • It simply "has to happen," wrote another.

But the AmCham members surveyed also raised concerns:

  • The "rate of progress" and "lack of urgency and seriousness," as well as meeting production requirements and sufficient consultation with industry, have been key questions around the ambitious targets set under the AUKUS banner.
  • As outlined in January's edition of The CEO Message, more than half of the world's population will head to the ballot box this year. The United Kingdom general election, US presidential election, and an Australian election by May 2025 all generate hesitancy over the political capital of AUKUS in changing administrations.

There will undoubtedly be many more moments of opportunity and uncertainty before the first Virginia Class SSN is transferred to the Royal Australian Navy. Through it all, AmCham will remain committed to providing members with unparalleled access to opportunity for information, access, advocacy, and visibility on this historic trilateral initiative.

Some of the expert speakers AmCham Members have heard from over the past 1,000 Days of AUKUS

Dr Kurt Campbell

Deputy Secretary of State

Anne Neuberger

Deputy National Security Advisor

Admiral Harry Harris

24th Commander, USINDOPACOM

Admiral Philip Davidson

25th Commander, USINDOPACOM

Hon Richard Marles MP

Minister for Defence

Hon Pat Conroy MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Air Marshal Warren McDonald (Ret'd)

CEO, Lockheed Martin ANZ

Jason Israel

White House NSC Senior Director for Defense Policy

Rep. Mike Gallagher

Co-Chair, AUKUS Caucus

Rep. Joe Courtney

Co-Chair, AUKUS Caucus

Senator Lindsey Graham

Ranking Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Kaleb Redden

White House NSC Director for AUKUS

Hon Dr Kevin Rudd AC

Australian Ambassador to the United States

Matt Steinhelfer

Special Advisor for AUKUS, Department of State

Abraham Denmark

Special Advisor for AUKUS, Department of Defense

Hon Stephen Smith

Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom

Ambassador Jane Hartley

US Ambassador to the United Kingdom

VADM Sir Nick Hine

Managing Director AUKUS and International, Babcock

Senator Mark Warner

Chairman, Select Committee on Intelligence

Dr Michael Froman

President, Council on Foreign Relations

Dame Karen Pierce

British Ambassador to the United States

Dr Brendan Nelson AO

President, Boeing Global

Rt Hon Anne Marie Trevelyan MP

Minister of State for the Indo Pacific

Admiral Richard Seif

Commander, Submarine Force US Pacific Fleet

Christine Zeitz

CEO, Northrop Grumman ANZ

VADM Dave Johnson

Vice President, L3Harris

Ambassador Caroline Kennedy

US Ambassador to Australia

Ambassador Joe Hockey

Founding Partner and President, Bondi Partners

Michele Flournoy

Co-Founder and Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors

Michael Vaccaro

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Trade Controls


| Business Luncheon **SOLD OUT - Join the Waitlist**

Mission Critical - The business of defence • 20 June

| Business Breakfast

Featuring Ambassador the Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO (Ret.) • 25 June

| Special Briefing

Featuring 54th Speaker of the House Paul Ryan • 27 June

| Business Luncheon

Charting New Waters - the AUKUS surface fleet • 2 July

| Policy Doorknock

AmChams of the Asia Pacific • 7 - 10 July

For our full list of upcoming events, visit our website .

Continue reading this edition of The CEO Message to see the new members of our Council of Governors, sign up to the Give a Vet a Go pledge, and meet our new members.

Kind regards,


April Palmerlee

Chief Executive Officer

American Chamber of Commerce in Australia


I invite you to email me at and on Linkedin





AmCham is pleased to announce our newest Premium Member, Novartis. Novartis are global pioneers in the research, development, manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. Novartis are dedicated to bringing innovative treatments to Australian patients and healthcare professionals, focusing on areas of unmet medical need and driving advancements in healthcare.

Network News



AmCham congratulates Thales as the newest AmCham Member to sign up to the pledge.


Each year, approximately 6,000 people discharge from the Australian Defence Force from more than 200 different roles, bringing with them a myriad of skills and experiences of great benefit to the private sector. The Pledge encourages all hiring organisations to consider the diverse capabilities and applicable experiences veterans can bring.


To sign the Pledge or to find out more, .

Network News



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Designed to unpack the most pressing issues for global business leaders, the World Business Forum provides in depth keynotes from sporting icons, inspiring CEOs and visionary leaders that will help you stay ahead of the curve and take your business to the next level. to view the world-class speakers and download the agenda.


AmCham members can receive a $300 discount on ticket prices using the special code AMCHAM300.



Join AmCham at the United States Studies Centre's conference from 19-20 June 2024 in Sydney.


The tension between security and prosperity is greater now than it has been in generations. Governments, societies and businesses face complex, intersecting risks from rising geopolitical tensions and economic fragmentation, while simultaneously navigating profound revolutions in energy and digital technologies.


Economic security in a turbulent world will highlight the policy choices and trade-offs facing governments and businesses as they seek to manage risk and build resilience in the face of increasing geopolitical instability and economic volatility. It promises to be one of Australia’s premier business-relevant conferences of 2024.


Network News

AmCham is pleased to announce new members of the Councils of Governors


Michael Mahy

Lead Defence Partner

Synergy Group Australia


Anne-Marie Allgrove

National Managing Partner

Baker McKenzie


Kirsten Andrews

Vice President External Engagement

University of Sydney


Matt Opie

Chief Executive

Defence SA


Mohan Koo

Co-Founder and President

DTEX Systems


Dr Erin Marie Collins

Executive Search Consultant

Russell Reynolds Associates

I’m delighted to welcome these new members and here are links to their websites:

AmCham Technology Logo

The American Chamber of Commerce in Australia

Website | ABN 62 000 361 633

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