How Business Really Works: Free Trade Agreement Strategy with Bates Gill

Published Monday, 11 May 2015

The CEO of the United States Studies Centre Dr Bates Gill speaks with Duff Watkins about the strategic reasons behind Free Trade Agreements (FTA). This is very topical with the imminent completion of the one of the largest FTA’s the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Dr Bates Gill commenced as CEO of the US Studies Centre in October 2012 after a five year appointment as the Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. He previously led major research program at public policy think tanks in Washington, DC (Brookings Institution and Center for Strategic and International Studies) and in Monterey, California (Monterey Institute of International Studies).

Among his professional affiliations, Dr Gill serves on the boards of the Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Singapore) and the China-Merck AIDS Partnership, and is a member of the Asia Society Policy Advisory Board (New York) and the Board of Advisors for the Shanghai Institute of International Studies. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York) and the International Institute of Strategic Studies (London), and is an Associate Fellow with the Americas Program of Chatham House (London).

He received his PhD in foreign affairs from the University of Virginia and was inducted to the The Johns Hopkins University Society of Scholars in 2007. In addition to his experience in the USA, has lived and worked for lengthy periods in France, Switzerland, Sweden and China.

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