How Business Really Works: The New Nevada with Governor Brian Sandoval

Published Monday, 31 October 2016

Governor of Nevada, Brian Sandoval speaks to our podcast host Duff Watkins on ‘The New Nevada’ on our podcast today. You’ll learn how the ‘driest state in the U.S.’ leads the Nation in water innovation, why and how Nevada is the lighthouse for Economic Development and much more

Brian Sandoval was elected the 30th Governor of Nevada in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. In 2005 he was appointed United States District Judge for the District of Nevada and in 2002 he was elected Attorney General of Nevada. He has previously served as chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and in the Nevada Legislature.

His accomplishments as Governor include work to make Nevada the most veteran and military-friendly state in the nation, transforming Nevada’s approach to economic development, expanding health care coverage, implementing new innovative gaming policy and leading the effort for an unprecedented investment in and modernisation of Nevada’s public education system.

During his inaugural legislative session, Governor Sandoval transformed Nevada’s approach to economic development by moving the duties directly under his authority and created the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

The hallmark of the Governor’s administration is his vision for transforming and modernising Nevada’s education system. An unprecedented investment to reform Nevada’s education system was enacted in 2015 which will provide targeted programs to boost student achievement and equip students and teachers with the tools for success as innovators, job creators, and leaders of the new Nevada economy.

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