Don Peppers - Scientific Decision Making

Published Sunday, 8 March 2015

Don Peppers is recognised as one of the world's leading authorities on customer-focused business strategies. During a recent presentation to AmCham in Sydney, Duff Watkins had the opportunity to catch up with Don and discuss how Management use scientific methods to make better decision.

Don Peppers is an acclaimed author and a founding partner of Peppers & Rogers Group, the world's premier customer-centric management consulting firm. The Times of London has listed Don among their "Top 50 Business Brains," Accenture has included him in its global list of the "Top 100 Business Intellectuals," and the U.K.'s Chartered Institute for Marketing put him on its list of the "50 most influential thinkers in marketing and business today." In 2013, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers were inducted into the Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame. 

Peppers continues to support many of the worlds’ leading global brands, working with executives to develop a customer-centric strategy and culture within their organisations.

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