How Business Really Works: The Barriers of International Trade with Geoff Short & Patrick Fazzone

Published Sunday, 27 March 2016

Today our host Duff Watkins has two guests; Geoff Short and Patrick Fazzone as they discuss costs and barriers of International Trade.

Geoff is the Managing Director of TANDA International where he works as an International Trade Lawyer. His company is involved in trade advocacy, consultancy, and Geoff is involved with both the Trade and Government Committee and the Trade Advisory Board at the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham).

Also with us today is Patrick Fazzone, Managing Partner of Washington D.C. based law firm, Montgomery Fazzone LLC, involved in commercial transaction and international trade law. They are specially in the Asia-Pacific region. Patrick is the Chairman for AmCham’s Trade and Government Committee and is also involved with the Trade Advisory Board and the Health Committee.

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